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Please maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Mr. Au Chun Tuan, CEO of Medic Pro and her assistant, Ms Chew Shi Yee have expressed their gratitude to the users of this new system. He also hopes that people would be able to take good care of themselves during the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.


Medic Pro Sdn Bhd was incorporated in Pulau Pinang on October 2021. The name was chosen to promote the importance of having an efficient and powerful healthcare system. The recent pandemic has opened the eyes of our founder that our Malaysia's healthcare system needs the support to operate in a more effective and efficient manner. Medic Pro Sdn Bhd provides products specialising in Management information systems and focusing our target market on health management.

  • Vaccination Provider

  • Consultation

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in someone's life

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Be like the "STEM CELL", differentiate

yourself from "OTHERS"


How to Register for vaccination?

Firstly, move your cursor to 'HOME' and choose 'VACCINATION APPOINTMENT'


Then, you need to fill this form and we will arrange your appointment and let you know for further information

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